Work and Personal Advice

SMART Goals, HARD Goals, OKRs: Which One When?
I believe different goal setting frameworks work best in different scenarios. In this article I will describe how I believe SMART goals, HARD goals and OKRs can be used to derive the maximum benefit for an individual and a company or team.

Coding Bootcamps - What Should I Expect?
So you've just paid more than $10,000 for a course that heavily implies you'll be job ready when you've finished.

Your Job Search Starts Before You Think It Does
Why I talk to recruiters even though I'm not looking for a job or trying to fill a role.

Employee Satisfaction Surveys. a Time for Honesty?
From time to time we encounter a survey sent out to all staff to check on employee engagement. If people were to answer these honestly it would give executives and HR an amazing insight to the culture of the company; but, sadly, most people do not feel like they can answer them honestly.

Knowing Your Communication Style and Drivers
It's important to know your communication style and drivers. It can also be useful to document this so others can more easily gain an understanding of you and how you interact with them.

Why I Get Certifications
Earlier today I was reviewing a bunch of notes I'd taken at Meetups, conferences and seminars throughout last year, and I saw a single line in my notes from a coaching seminar.

The Darkest Days Are When It's Easiest to Shine
From time to time we all feel we’re in a situation that is doomed to failure. At moments like these the feelings of negativity and gloom can be over-powering, but this could be your time to shine.

Finding Your First Job in Australia - Observations From a Local
As I’ve talked to people, I’ve noticed a lot of similarities in their job search struggles, but I’ve also noticed the actions most people are taking aren’t helping them to find a role.

Starting Out in Programming
I was recently asked by someone on LinkedIn how to move from a technical support role into a programming role and what skills should be learnt in this progress. This is my response.

What Do I Mean by "Aspiring CTO"?
My LinkedIn tag line makes reference to me as an “aspiring CTO”. I recently got asked what this means to me.

I Did a Thing
About 6 months ago I did a thing. I didn't realise the impact this thing would have. At the time I thought nothing of it. Looking back now I can see that this thing has impacted everything about me and my life.