Work and Personal Advice
Talking to People 101 - Requested by Hara Chung
Many in the IT industry have been here before; you go to a Meetup and stand there looking awkward because you don’t know anyone.
Instant Messenger Management - Stop Missing Important Messages
Do you forget to respond to your instant messages? Does your inaction frustrate others? Do you find yourself apologising for missing messages? Maybe this article will give you some ideas.
Manifestations of Impostor Syndrome
Maybe you’ve heard of it before, but impostor syndrome is the feeling you’re not good enough despite the fact you are. In this article I disclose how impostor syndrome manifests in and impacts me.
Life Begins at 40 - Now I Know What It Means
So you've heard the saying “life begins at 40”, but what does it really mean? Until recently I never really understood how life can begin at 40. Is there some sudden change? Is there a secret we get told on our 40th birthday? I'd tried asking people, but no one could really give me an answer as to what changes or why. In this article I'll explore my interpretation of this saying, and how it relates to me.
Everything on My Desk Has a Purpose
This article was originally published on LinkedIn. I often interact with people who are new to the IT industry, and in some cases, new to the workforce. I've also been involved in a number of conversations that have led to me write an article about something as seemingly simple as a desk.
Harder Isn't Better
This article was originally published on LinkedIn. An overview of the changes I've made in my life and the associated impacts of these changes.